Do you think your child may be living with a lip or tongue tie? If so, they might need a dental procedure to allow for improved oral function. Even though most children are treated during infancy, many problems do not develop until they’re older. Since the symptoms can be hard to spot, overgrown oral muscular tissue often goes undiagnosed. Unfortunately, that can cause several issues as your little one grows up. With that in mind, here are five signs that indicate your child needs a frenectomy.
What Is a Frenectomy?
A frenulum is a small piece of tissue that’s located at either the top or bottom of the mouth, specifically under the tongue or the upper gums. If the connective tissue is too tight, it can lead to a range of problems. A frenectomy is a simple procedure by which the frenulum is severed and removed to allow for more freedom of movement. It might sound daunting, but the procedure is low-risk and has a high rate of success.
5 Signs That Your Child Needs a Frenectomy
Are you unsure whether your child needs a frenectomy? Here are five signs to watch out for:
Difficulty Eating
A lingual frenulum (the tight cord underneath the tongue that keeps it properly secured) that’s too tight can make swallowing difficult. For babies, this can cause problems with breastfeeding or make them unable to properly take a bottle. While some hospitals will perform a frenectomy before the newborn is discharged, others will tell parents to wait and see if the child grows out of it.
Trouble Speaking
The tongue plays a crucial role in speaking. If your child is “tongue-tied”, they may have trouble speaking normally. As a result, they may develop a lisp or other speech impediment. Luckily, these alternations can often be corrected with a frenectomy.
Open Mouth-Breathing
If the upper labial frenulum is too tight, it can keep the mouth from closing properly, causing open mouth breathing. This issue must be addressed right away as it can lead to gum recession and even contribute to sleep apnea.
Gap Between Two Upper Front Teeth
An overly tight upper labial frenulum can also lead to a gap in the upper front teeth. Even though it’s usually just an aesthetic problem, a frenectomy is still recommended in most cases.
Receding Gums
The bands of tissue located beneath the tongue and behind the upper lip are connected to the gum tissue. Because of that, the inability to freely move the lip or tongue can cause your little one’s gums to recede, increasing their risk of gum disease when they’re older.
Is your child displaying any of the above symptoms? Contact your dentist and ask if a frenectomy is right for them. With their help, your little one’s smile will be problem-free in no time!
About the Practice
At Texas Dental Surgery, we offer a level of expertise you simply won’t find anywhere else. Our team consists of three highly trained specialists who are passionate about helping patients of all ages achieve their happiest, healthiest smiles. If you think your child may need a frenectomy, don’t hesitate to contact us for help. We’ll determine whether it’s the right solution for your little one and perform it if needed. To make an appointment, visit our website or call (469) 296-8680.