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Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed for Spring Break!

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — txdental @ 4:53 pm
Woman smiling after wisdom tooth extraction

Have you been putting off your much-needed wisdom teeth extraction? As fun as having your molars removed sounds, you are so busy with your current schedule. Who has time to take it easy for a few days? The good news is that you have a break coming up that is perfect for the occasion. If you’re a dedicated student, Spring Break is a great opportunity to take care of your oral health without missing a beat when it comes to your academics. Continue reading to learn why it is often necessary to remove wisdom teeth and what you can expect for the recovery process.


3 Tips for Recovering from a Dental Bone Graft

February 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — txdental @ 11:10 am
senior couple in their living room after a dental bone graft

You were so excited to replace your missing teeth with dental implants, only for your oral surgeon to tell you that you needed a dental bone graft first. Don’t worry; this procedure is fairly common, as well as incredibly safe. Plus, it will strengthen your jawbone and give your new pearly whites a strong, healthy foundation. That being said, you’ll need to take a few days afterward to heal. Read on as an oral surgeon shares three tips for a smooth and successful recovery after dental bone grafting.


Why Would I Need a Bone Graft to Get a Dental Implant?

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — txdental @ 10:14 pm
 illustration of bone graft

Tooth loss is a common issue that affects millions of Americans throughout the country. Fortunately, losing a tooth doesn’t mean you need to go the rest of your life with a gap in your smile. Dental implants are a preferred tooth replacement option because of their numerous benefits. However, some patients need a bone graft before they can have dental implants placed. Continue reading to learn from your dental specialist in Prosper about why this is sometimes necessary.


Recovering from All-On-4 Surgery

December 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — txdental @ 3:06 am

Digital image of All-On-4 dental implantsAll-On-4 dental implants are a great investment because you can enjoy a complete smile again in just one day. Fewer implant posts are used to stabilize your denture, so you won’t have to go without any teeth while your jaw heals. Although fewer posts are needed, you’ll still benefit from the same unmatched stability of a traditional implant denture, but you won’t be having steak for dinner right away. Here’s what you can expect as you recover from your All-On-4 surgery.


Can Your New Dental Implants Stain?

November 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — txdental @ 3:23 am

Woman thinking about dental implantsIf you’ve replaced your missing teeth with dental implants, you’ve made a wise decision. A dental implant is unlike any other treatment because it recreates both the root and crown. It will closely look and feel just like a real tooth, but will it discolor like your enamel? You don’t have to worry about stains tarnishing your new smile. Here’s how to safeguard the time and money you’ve spent on replacing your lost teeth.


How to Get the Most Out of Thanksgiving with Dental Implants

October 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — txdental @ 1:48 am
Above view of family eating thanksgiving dinner at table

The leaves are turning colors and football is on TV every Sunday afternoon. Do you know what that means? Thanksgiving is right around the corner! If you suffer from tooth loss, however, the holiday season may bring with it a sense of dread. Eating turkey and other traditional holiday dishes can be difficult when you are missing teeth. Thankfully, eating with dental implants is no trouble at all! Keep reading to learn how you can get the most out of your Thanksgiving celebration by investing in implant treatment.  


How Do You Know If Your Child Needs a Frenectomy?

September 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — txdental @ 7:21 pm
young child smiling

Do you think your child may be living with a lip or tongue tie? If so, they might need a dental procedure to allow for improved oral function. Even though most children are treated during infancy, many problems do not develop until they’re older. Since the symptoms can be hard to spot, overgrown oral muscular tissue often goes undiagnosed. Unfortunately, that can cause several issues as your little one grows up. With that in mind, here are five signs that indicate your child needs a frenectomy.


Why Does Your Implant Dentist Use a Cone Beam Scanner?

August 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — txdental @ 10:30 am
Cone beam scanner machine in dentist office

Technology has advanced in leaps and bounds over the past few decades, including in dental offices. For example, new state-of-the-art X-ray technology allows for more precise and predictable implant treatment than ever before! Does your dentist use a Cone Beam CT scanner to place dental implants? If you are considering replacing your missing teeth with implants, you may want to check with your dentist before starting treatment. Keep reading to learn more about how Cone Beam scanning technology enhances the dental implant process.


An Oral Surgeon Explains the Ideal Candidate for IV Sedation

July 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — txdental @ 6:50 pm
Medical bag used for IV sedation

Whether you have an oral surgery coming up that’s going to take a long time to complete or you have issues with dental treatments in general, oral surgeons are highly experienced with helping people get comfortable and prepared for their care. In the case of surgery, anesthesia is the norm, however, sedation also plays a role in many cases. If you believe you may need stronger forms of sedation to complete your treatment, you’ll want to learn from an oral surgeon what makes you an ideal candidate for IV sedation ahead of time!


Why is Crown Lengthening Necessary?

June 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — txdental @ 4:10 am

Man benefiting from crown lengtheningDo you have a gummy smile? Although you may believe it’s only an aesthetic issue, excess gum tissue can have adverse complications for your oral health. Your dentist may recommend crown lengthening to promote a beautiful, healthy smile. Besides making your teeth appear larger, the procedure is used for other purposes, too. Here are the most common reasons why crown lengthening is necessary.


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